Renfrew County and District Health Unit
“Optimal Health for All in Renfrew County and District”
For Immediate Release

(Pembroke, Ontario, January 06, 2025)
RCDHU Encourages Families to Update Immunization Records for School-aged Children
Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) has started its annual review of immunization records for all students that attend school in Renfrew County and District, as required under the Immunization of School Pupils Act. Keeping routine immunizations up to date is an important safeguard to protect children and the community against serious illnesses.
The Immunization of School Pupils Act requires all students attending school in Ontario to be immunized or have a valid exemption for the following nine vaccine-preventable diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (also known as whooping cough), polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcal disease, and varicella (for those born after January 1st, 2010).
As part of the review process, immunization notices are being distributed to students who are missing the required vaccines, or whose updated immunizations have not been reported to RCDHU. Second notices will be sent later this winter to the families of students whose immunizations remain out of date or who do not have a valid exemption in place. As a last resort, students whose immunization records remain out of date following a second notice may be suspended from school. However, RCDHU will work closely with families and strive to avoid this outcome.
“Routine immunizations are an important step in protecting children and youth from serious infectious diseases. Recent increases in measles and whooping cough activity across Ontario reinforce the importance of keeping immunizations up to date,” states Dr. Jason Morgenstern, Medical Officer of Health for RCDHU.
If you are a parent/guardian and your child receives an immunization notice, RCDHU is asking you to follow up by:
- Contacting your health care provider to get updated on any missing immunizations, and submitting updated immunization records to RCDHU through one of the following methods:
- The secure online tool ICON: Immunization Connect Ontario Tool
- Email : immunization@rcdhu.com
- Fax: 613-735-3067
- Phone: 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004
- If you do not have a health care provider, contact RCDHU to book an appointment for an upcoming immunization clinic by calling 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004. RCDHU will also be offering in school clinics for all high school students.
For more information on immunization requirements for attending school, please visit the RCDHU’s Immunizations for Children webpage or call the Immunization Information Line at 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.
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Renfrew County and District Health Unit
Fax: 613-735-3067