Being prepared for a flood can save money, property and lives. Being prepared starts with you. Take a few simple steps to help you prepare before a flood occurs.
Know the risks
Flooding is an overflow of water on normally dry ground. This risk is the most common natural disaster in Canada. Renfrew County and District has experienced major flooding events in the past, including the 2017 and 2019 floods.
Here are a few reasons to be prepared:
- Residential overland flooding is not typically covered by standard property insurance. Talk to your insurer about the types of water damage that are covered by your policy.
- If water got into your property during a previous flood, it could happen again if you don’t take action.
- Many Canadians use finished basements as extra living space, often filled with furniture and expensive electronics that could be damaged by a flood.
- Floods can cause mould to grow, and this can have long-term health impacts on your family.
- Homes in older neighbourhoods are usually more vulnerable to overland flooding, but newer homes can also be at risk, especially if they are built near flood-prone areas like ravines.
- Changes in weather are expected to continue to impact the amount and distribution of rain, snow, and ice, as well as the risk of extreme weather events such as heavy rainfalls and related flooding.
Prepare your home
Prepare your home for a flood with simple fixes to help prevent leaks, secure entrances, and keep your property dry. A flood can happen quickly so take some time before a flood to be prepared. This can save time, money and stress.
Roof and window protection:
- Clear eavestroughs and gutters from debris
- Check for ice dams and/or ice build up
- Extend your downspouts at least 2 metres from your home
- Set up rain barrels to catch runoff water
- Weather seal your windows and doors
- Install flood barriers
Basement protection:
- Check your sump pump
- Weather seal your windows and doors
- Install flood barriers
- Lift large appliances above potential flood water level
- Check that basement drains are not blocked
Property protection:
Inside your home:
- Use water-resistant building materials for renovations below ground level
- Put weather protection sealant around basement windows and the base of ground-level doors
- Install flood shields or barriers for basement windows and doors
- Raise large appliances, furnaces, hot water heaters, and electrical panels in your basement on wood or cement blocks above the potential water level
- Prevent fuel tanks from tipping and leaking by anchoring them to the floor
- If a flood warning is in effect, shut off electricity to areas that are at risk of flooding
- Move furniture, valuables, and electronics to the place in your property that is least likely to be affected by flooding
Outside your home:
- Make sure your lot is properly graded
- Make sure downspouts extend at lease 2 metres from your basement wall
- Check that your roof eaves are draining properly
- Check sidewalks, patios, decks and driveways to make sure they haven’t settled over time, causing water to drain towards your property
- Clear snow away from the building’s foundation
- Use rain barrels to catch water runoff
Emergency kit and plan
- Learn how to build your own emergency kit by visiting Get Prepared: Emergency Kits. An emergency kit should allow you to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours.
- Have a plan before an emergency. Make an emergency plan by visiting Get Prepared: Make an Emergency Plan.
Stay informed
Stay up-to-date on flood activity by visiting the Government of Ontario’s Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. You can find local and provincial flood messaging here and an interactive GIS flood map.